Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tools of Recovery Thursday

Today, I got the pleasure to help a sponsee create  a "recovery schedule/calendar". It is a calendar of your day to day activities like work/school, family time and all your recovery activities, too.

Early in recovery, you may need guidance and direction by those that have done it already. We aren't perfect, but maybe we know what it takes. Don't hesitate to ask for help. Waiting may cost you your job, family, or life.

I recommend having a recovery schedule for anyone that is struggling to obtain or maintain sobriety.

What's your calendar look like?

Stay safe, sane, and sober!



Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday

"If you are hysterical, it's historical."--Unknown

I first heard this line from my sponsor, and it has resonated with me for the last couple of years. It's a powerful, yet simple statement. It provides a framework for our, sometimes immoderate and dramatic, viewpoints of the world. 

How many of us flare up at some off the wall comment that a coworker, spouse, or a friends says in passing? Do you know why? How many of us get bent out of shape while waiting for the light to turn green? Ever ask yourself what that means?

Take the time today to figure out what's underneath your hysterics and maybe talk with your sponsor, therapist, or close friend and ask them for help while you search the depths of your mind to explore the historical implications that influence your acting out. 

Stay safe, sane and sober!

