Friday, March 28, 2014

Weekend Retreat: Speaker's Meeting

Have you ever attended a "Speaker's Meeting" or "First Step Share" at a Twelve Step meeting? If so, aren't they fabulous?!

If not and you are curious...check one out. There may be one this weekend. These types of meetings are often at the end of the month. They are platforms for a member, sometimes a couple, to speak about what it was like before recovery and what it's like now. 

I have attended a couple of the last few years, and I have even shared a couple of times. Each time it is a new, enlightening experience. I feel honored to witness authenticity at its purest form. I thoroughly appreciate the men and women that open up their souls and bear all. 

Afterwards, I always stick around for some type of fellowship with group members. We laugh, sometimes cry, but always support one another, which is the biggest blessing of the entire recovery process; being accepted for whom we are-whether we are currently struggling or strong in our individual recovery journey.

I am attending a share this weekend. I highly recommend you check one out. The special meetings are generally listed along with general meetings.

Stay safe, sane, and sober this weekend!



Thursday, March 27, 2014



Outreaching to others in my recovery programs has been very helpful. I highly recommend that you pick up a copy of your meeting's phone list. If there isn't a phone list, maybe create one from the sign in sheet at your meeting. 

I am able to text or call a core group of people that I have met since beginning my recovery journey.

Most people are nervous about contacting others in the program. My advice is to call when you are in a good place, so you are comfortable with calling when things are going sideways. 

Here are some tips:
  1. Call someone that you related to from a meeting
  2. Ask if he/she is available to talk when you call
  3. Be mindful of the time 
  4. Be respectful 
  5. Ask how he/she is holding up
I hope this helps you get connected to those in your program. 

Stay safe, sane, and sober!



Monday, March 24, 2014

Step Three Prayer

I wanted to share a couple of Step Three prayers to you. These are from various Twelve Step Programs that I thought would be helpful as we close out March this week, which represents our Third Step.

CoDA Third Step Prayer:

In this moment, I can choose my own
Higher Power. I can set aside all the
old beliefs about who I am not and
be who I am—a child of God. I can
remind myself that a faith in a Higher
Power becomes a faith in me, and
that my recovery lies in being true to
myself and to my Higher Power

-CoDependents Anonymous, Tools for Recovery, CoDA Step Prayers

AA Third Step Prayer

God, I offer myself to Thee-
To build with me
and to do with me as Thou wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage of self,
that I may better do Thy will.
Take away my difficulties,
that victory over them may bear witness
to those I would help of Thy Power,
Thy Love, and Thy Way of life.
May I do Thy will always!

Page 63, AA Big Book © Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

I offer my _________ (fill in the blank: food addiction, compulsive eating, fear, other character defect) to you to build with it and to do with it as you will. Relieve me of the bondage of _________(fill in the blank as before), that I may better do your will. Take away my ___________ (fill in the blank as before), that victory over it/them may bear witness to those I would help of your power, love and way of life.
May I do your will always.
What do you think? I like the third option. It's good to be able to "fill in" my own addiction. It helps me stay focused. I am going to try out this prayer for the next few days and see how I like it. 
I hope you have all had a lovely March. The weather has been pretty good here in the Seattle metro area. I am looking forward to more sun. :)
Stay safe, sane, and sober!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Step Three

We were now at Step Three. Many of us said to our Maker, as we understood Him: "God, I offer myself to Thee-to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always!" We thought well before taking this step making sure we were ready; that we could at last abandon ourselves utterly to Him 
A.A. Big Book p.63 

 I wanted to focus on Step Three in greater detail because it is very important Step in my opinion. Step Three calls for those of us in recovery  to: 

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God

This is one of the most challenging Steps. What does "Made a decision" mean in this Step?

I think we have to explore our histories a bit. In our "acting out" behaviors, we made a lot of decisions that may or may not been detrimental to ourselves, or another. We believed that we were in control when the time came to decide how we would "act out", whether it is with drugs, sex, porn, alcohol, or food. 

Most often, we were not in control. Our "addict" mind was in control. We didn't make a decision then, but we can now. Step Three allows for the opportunity to make a conscious decision "to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God" because we need to. Our addict had already been in control and screwed up our lives; what about a fresh start by believing our Higher Power or God could do something different?

The word “God” often throws people off from the Twelve Steps. Why is that? Some believe that “God” is focused on religion. Most of us have had negative experiences with religion. The Twelve Step philosophy isn’t religion; its spiritual. And the best part about Step Three is that you get understand “God” on your own terms!

Now, that’s a relief. I don’t have to believe what the right-winged have to say about God. I don’t have to believe what my family says about God. I don’t have to believe what society believes about God. I get to decide what God means to me. When it was thoroughly explained to me by those in the program, I rejoiced because I could stop living out other people’s stuff and focus on myself. I was grateful!

Step Three also requires us to let go of control. Many of us exert control in order to stay safe. 

“Let go and let God.”

What comes up for you around letting go of control? 

Stay safe, sane, and sober.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Why You Should Take a Vacation...Now!

I am back from vacation, and I am here to tell you that You Should Take a Vacation…Now!                                                                                        It has been seven months since the last vacation (outside of Xmas) and I needed it! Life has a tendency to get a little hectic for most of us. In order to deal with all the work commitments; family commitments; relationship commitments, and life commitments, we need to make a commitment to ourselves every once in awhile!                                                                    

What I mean is, you deserve to be well. Find something fun to do. Invite some close, healthy friends with you. Hell, even include your spouse if you two are in a good space.

My husband and I just got back from Playa del Carmen, Mexico, and it was fun. I was able to work on a tan (not like I need one), wrote some amends letters and emailed them out, and made a couple outreach calls for support when I needed it.

We also went to explore a place called Xel-Ha, which is an outdoor aquarium of sorts. I snorkeled for the first time and even got in an inner tube and drifted down the “lazy river.” 

While away, I could feel that “my addict” was lurking around. I found myself triggered by all the beautiful people, but I stayed on my side of the street. No relapses and I am forever grateful.
Being in recovery and taking care of ourselves is essential. I hope that you can find the time and space in your life to take a break. You deserve it.
Looking forward to more posts in the coming days! Be well and stay safe, sane, and sober!!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Taking a Break

Hi everyone! It is finally time to take a vacation. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing and sharing my thoughts with all of you. I need some time to reflect and get refreshed. It's all about self-care.

I look forward to coming back with all new content in a few weeks. Review the posts from the last two months. See what you can do to help yourself move forward in your personal recovery. I wish you all well.

Stay safe, sane, and sober!


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Weekend Retreat

This weekend, I would recommend that you take a quick inventory of the current work that you are doing. It is important to always acknowledge your dedication to your personal recovery.

The weekends can be a time for fun, but also a time for reflection. I often give myself time to think about where I currently am in my process.

Am I on the path I outlined?
Am I listening to my Higher Power?
What is my next indicated step?
Do I have all the support that I need?
Do I know where to find the support that I need?
Am I doing the best that I can?

Most often my answer is 'Yes' to the above questions. Sometimes I have to reevaluate.  I wonder what your answers will be?

Spend the weekend enjoying what you have, but also looking at what else you might need.

Stay safe, sane, and sober!
