Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Topic Tuesday: Co-Addiction


You may have heard that you or someone you know is "co-addicted" to someone else. Co-addiction is synonymous with codependence. Co-addicts attempts to control, manipulate, manage, or stop an addict's behavior. 

As you probably have found out....you can't control another person. We try though. And why do we try so hard? 

Because we learned that we had to control others to protect ourselves. Most of us have been engaging in co-addicted patterns since we were kids. It was the only way we could survive. Surviving is not living, in my opinion. Do you want to live?

If so, be mindful of these co-addicted patterns and characteristics and get help if they are plaguing your life:

  1. Try to control another person's thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. 
  2. Attempt to manipulate outcomes in order to feel safe.
  3. Change your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to benefit another person or persons.
  4. Lie to look good. 
  5. Deny your true feelings. 
  6. Avoid setting healthy boundaries out of fear of rejection
  7. Compromise your values and beliefs
  8. Engage in self-harming behaviors to get attention 
These are just a couple that came to mind. There are resources for those of us that have a history of being in co-addicted or codependent relationships. Don't stay addicted to another person's addictive behaviors. 

Check out the fellowships of 

The list is expansive. Get the help that you need to break the cycle. 

Till tomorrow...stay safe, sane, and sober!


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