Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Topic Tuesday: Spiritual Dilemma

I have done a lot of recovery readings over the last year and half since I enter the rooms. I often find it difficult to understand some of the material. One of the topics that was most puzzling to me was the concept of "spiritual dilemma".

I wasn't "spiritual" so how could I have a "dilemma"? Or was it, since I wasn't "spiritual" I must be in a "dilemma" because of the absence of spirituality? Geez! I was lost.

Twelve Step programs promote a belief in Higher Power and thus has a spiritual component. It has been said for decades in the rooms of recovery that one must believe in a power greater than oneself in order to recover. I was interested in recovering, but I wasn't so sure about the Higher Power as I talked about in an earlier blog post.

I continued to show up to the rooms and I began to learn why I was in a "spiritual dilemma". It was because I believed that everyone outside of myself was a power greater than myself and occasionally that I was greater than someone else. Control freak? Absolutely! Doormat? Most often!

My concepts didn't fit those of the program, thus the "dilemma".

In recovery, I have learned that I do not need to make another person my Higher Power. Nor do I need to become someone's Higher Power. I spend a lot of time communicating with my Higher Power. It's a rewarding experience to know that my Higher Power accepts me, flaws and all.

Are you in a spiritual dilemma? If so, how might you change your circumstances?


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